An apple a day keeps the doctor away


30/26-30 Constable Road, Waiuku

As you are probably aware, heart disease is a big problem for many New Zealanders. Many people get sick or die from heart disease which in many cases can be prevented.

Some groups of people are more likely to develop heart problems than others.

The Nurses at Waiuku Health Centre want to do something about this and invite you to contact them to discuss your FREE Heart Health Check.

This will be an opportunity to talk about ways we can work together to lessen the chance of heart problems occuring.

What needs to happen:

  1. Blood Test (contact the nurses prior to making an appointment and they will forward a form to you)
  2. A few days later meet with one of our Practice Nurses for your Free Heart Health Check
  3. Discuss any risks and if necessary plan to lessen the chance of a heart attack or stroke happening
  4. If you need further medical advice/medication we will book you in with your doctor at a time to suit you.

Please call Reception on (09) 235 9102 to book your 30 minute Heart Health Check, or ring the nurses if you have any questions or need further information

For general heart health information visit the Heart Foundation website.